Full Abstracts

2019 Vol. 38, No. 3
Published: 2019-03-28

227 Reflection on the Development of the Scientific and Technical Information Industry Based on the National Science and Technology Management Platform Hot!
Zeng Jianxun
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.001
The Ministry of Science and Technology is leading the construction of a national science and technology management platform. How to seize this opportunity to make the platform an important part of the scientific and technological information business, with a view to promoting the development of the scientific and technical information industry by integrating it into the innovation system, has become a problem that needs to be solved urgently. This paper reviews the original intention and development course of the scientific and technical information industry and analyzes the current difficulties and challenges. Then, considering the construction of the national science and technology management platform, the feasibility of integrating the scientific and technological information business into scientific and technological management is analyzed. The paper then analyzes the new opportunities brought forth by the construction of the national science and technology platform for relieving the difficulties faced by the scientific and technical information industry. This analysis is done from the perspective of building a new system of science and technology information network or station, reshaping the core intelligence user groups, realizing the accumulation of original scientific research data, and building a collaborative service platform for scientific research information. Finally, the paper proposes an overall framework for the scientific and technical information industry, oriented towards the implementation of the science and technology plan, a model for integrating science and technology information service into the science and technology management platform, and a strategy for promoting the scientific and technical information industry based on the national science and technology management platform.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 227-238 [Abstract] ( 339 ) HTML (92 KB)  PDF (1480 KB)  ( 1096 )
239 Research on the Development Path of Intelligence Studies Based on Big Data Thinking Hot!
Pin Li, Jianlin Yang
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.002
Discipline construction has been a major concern in academic circles. The big data environment has pushed intelligence studies into a new developmental stage. Although it has brought about a great crisis for intelligence studies, it has also brought great opportunities for as well as the promotion of intelligence studies and the cohesion of research resources. This paper argues that the core of cracking the crisis and grasping the opportunity lies in big data thinking in the discipline construction of intelligence studies. Accordingly, big data thinking is considered a guide, and this article rethinks the discipline orientation, discipline objectives, theoretical systems, knowledge systems, and production management systems of intelligence studies, as well as intelligence research, information services, and intelligence personnel training.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 239-248 [Abstract] ( 252 ) HTML (114 KB)  PDF (813 KB)  ( 1066 )
249 Semantic Recognition and Classification Method of Innovation Points in Scientific and Technological Abstracts Hot!
Wen Hao
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.003
The published scientific and technical abstracts provide reliable semantic fact data of problems, methods, and results in scientific research activities, and lay a solid foundation for the dissemination of innovative points and the discovery of new interdisciplinary knowledge. Their accurate identification and separation will be a key issue in the use of artificial intelligence technology to realize an innovative factual knowledge question and answer system. This paper proposes an innovative point semantic recognition and classification method. On this method, scientific and technological abstracts are firstly classified as 6 kinds according to their syntactic and semantic functions. Secondly, the results of the classification are analyzed with statistical analysis of the number distribution of classes and sentence positions, sentence types and the structural features of sentence semantic positions, and the semantic word order characteristics of abstract sentences are tested. Finally, the second classification and merging are carried out which is based on the previous analysis, so and the classification of the innovation points, methods and results of scientific and technological abstracts is realized. The accuracy rate of classification is 99%. The experimental results show that this method has the advantages of simple algorithm, high classification accuracy, and good universality.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 249-256 [Abstract] ( 185 ) HTML (100 KB)  PDF (764 KB)  ( 780 )
257 Research on User Information Sharing Behavior of Social Network Based on Regulatory Focus Theory Hot!
Zhu Peng, Li Lu, Gary Marchionini
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.004
This paper uses privacy calculus theory and regulatory focus theory to study the information sharing behavior of social network users. It focuses on the impact of perceived risk and perceived benefit on user information sharing behavior, the impact of regulatory focus on perceived risk and perceived benefit, and the impact of their interaction on user information sharing behavior. This paper constructs a social network user information sharing behavior model based on regulatory focus theory. 376 valid samples are collected through questionnaires, and the hypothesis is verified by constructing a regression equation, a t test, and an analysis of variance. The results show that perceived risk negatively affects user information sharing behavior, while perceived benefit positively affects information sharing behavior, and the user s regulatory focus trait has a significant impact on the user's perceived benefit. Based on this conclusion, this paper puts forward reasonable suggestions for the development of social network platforms.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 257-265 [Abstract] ( 365 ) HTML (138 KB)  PDF (838 KB)  ( 994 )
266 Assessment of Personal Information Value and Individual Differences Under the Situation of Information Leakage: An Empirical Study Based on Discrete Choice Experiment Hot!
Deng Shengli, Zhao Haiping
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.005
In the era of big data, the collection of massive amounts of personal information provides value for both governments and enterprises, but also raises concerns about data security and the leakage of personal information. Based on the discrete choice model, this study analyzes the relationship between different types of personal information leakage and individualswillingness to accept the leak by designing experiments. This study quantitatively assesses the value of each type of information from the perspective of the user, and we classify the samples by gender, age, education, and frequency of Internet use. The results show that ① basic personal information has the highest value, whereas social network information has the lowest. ② The expected value of women for all types of personal information is generally higher than that of men. ③ Compared with 18-30-year-olds, people over the age of 40 are less concerned about Internet search information. ④ People with higher academic qualifications have a higher expected value for various types of personal information. ⑤ Compared with those with lower Internet usage frequency, people with high frequency of Internet usage pay more attention to shopping and payment information. This study illustrates a quantitative analysis method for assessing the value of personal information. The results will help the information-collection department understand the preferences of individualspersonal information and the adjustment of information-collection strategies. This work also provides reference for government departments to formulate personal information-protection policies.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 266-276 [Abstract] ( 235 ) HTML (177 KB)  PDF (979 KB)  ( 938 )
277 Research on the Sentiment Intensity Measurement Model of Internet Word-of-Mouth Public Opinion Based on the PAD Model Hot!
Li Ji, Huang Wei, Guo Sulin, Sun Yue
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.006
It is helpful for companies to monitor Internet word-of-mouth public opinion in real time in order to capture online commentary information from Chinese online customer reviews as well as to build online word-of-mouth (WOM) monitoring and assessment methods based on the PAD model. By using the synonym Term Extension and Dalian Polytechnic s emotional vocabulary ontology to build a sentiment dictionary, along with the psychological PAD model to calculate emotional intensity, this paper examines and analyzes the emotional state expressed in product reviews, and conducts an online word-of-mouth opinion process. The online reviews of the Jingdong notebook brand were used as an example and were monitored and evaluated to verify the case. The proposed method based on the PAD model for Internet word-of-mouth public opinion monitoring and evaluation has a better test effect, and can provide information decision for online word-of-mouth public opinion monitoring and evaluation of online products.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 277-285 [Abstract] ( 312 ) HTML (161 KB)  PDF (1659 KB)  ( 1411 )
286 Research on Financial Knowledge Representation and Risk Identification from Knowledge Connection Perspective Hot!
Tang Xuli, Ma Feicheng, Fu Weigang, Zhang Rui
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.007
The limitations of financial risk analysis, such as homogeneous data source, simplistic data types, and one-sided research perspective, are attributed to insufficient representation of big data in finance; the traditional flat data organization ignores the rich knowledge connection among financial data. This paper explores the knowledge representation model of big data on financials from a knowledge organization perspective. It classifies the process of knowledge representation into three layers: knowledge representation mode, knowledge instance, and knowledge mining. First, the paper summarizes the typical connection patterns that exist in the financial domain, such as classification connection, spatial-temporal connection, statistical connection, and event connection, and categorizes these into static ontology, dynamic ontology, and social ontology according to the differential realization. Then, following the implementation of each ontology, it proposes related implementation schemes as well as the reuse of the existing ontology of Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO). Lastly, it demonstrates the representation process using the case of financial risk identification.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 286-298 [Abstract] ( 218 ) HTML (117 KB)  PDF (6393 KB)  ( 1457 )
299 Design and Construction of City Network Image Monitoring System Hot!
Chen Jinghao, Zeng Zhen, Li Gang
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.008
The assessment of a city s network image through the analysis of a large amount of network information can help city managers find urban governance shortcomings and actively shape the city s image. First, this article reviews the research status of urban network image monitoring nationally and abroad. Consequently, a system design concept and framework are proposed. Subsequently, the key technology and core function implementation process of the system are elaborated. Finally, a system application example is provided. The city network image monitoring system constructed in this paper can accurately assess the city network image, help the government identify problems in city governance, and provide decision support for shaping the city s brand.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 299-309 [Abstract] ( 227 ) HTML (129 KB)  PDF (5142 KB)  ( 686 )
310 Research on the Storage Model of OWL Ontologies Based on Graph Databases Hot!
Huang Qi, Qian Yunjie, Yuan Qinjian, Lu Jiaying
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.009
Taking advantage of Description Logic, which is the theoretical basis of OWL ontologies, a storage model of OWL ontologies based on graph databases is proposed, and the topological structure of the model is designed. The mapping rules from OWL ontology to graph databases are then designed, based on the storage model. Finally, the validity and effectiveness of this storage model is proved theoretically, and a series of valuable conclusions are drawn.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 310-321 [Abstract] ( 283 ) HTML (189 KB)  PDF (1297 KB)  ( 857 )
322 Knowledge Network Evolvement in Digital Humanities Domain: Based on Keywords Co-Word Analysis of Bibliography and Citation Context Hot!
Xu Xin, Chen Luyao, Yang Jiaying
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2019.03.010
The answer to, “Where does digital humanities research come from?” can solve the question, “How far will digital humanities research step forward?” For citation text that has been undervalued, this paper combines document records with the citation context. Through the evolution cycle of “Absorption-Formation-Reabsorption-Diffusion”, we can track the development of digital humanities and discover potential values. It is found that the research on digital humanities is continuously subdivided. Typically, history-related research is more concentrated and conceptually deeper while social-media-related research is the trend of future.
2019 Vol. 38 (3): 322-334 [Abstract] ( 361 ) HTML (108 KB)  PDF (13605 KB)  ( 513 )