Research on the Governance Path of the Public Opinion Reversal of Emergency: Based on Information Interaction Perspective |
Cong Jingyi1,2, Ai Wenhua1,2, Hu Guangwei1,2 |
1.School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 2.Institute of Government Data Resources, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract The reversal of public opinion in public emergencies brings great challenges to social stability and government credibility. With the support of social media, information interaction has become an important factor affecting public opinion and sentiment trends. Research on the effectiveness of public opinion reversal governance from the perspective of information interaction provides an important decision-making reference for the public opinion governance and control in the event of public emergencies. By constructing an evolution modelSFEnInRfrom the perspective of information interaction, this study simulates the competitive evolution of an unknown event population S, an opinion presenter Ii with opinion i, a potential opinion presenter Ei with opinion i, followers F holding a wait-and-see attitude, and an individual R with no interest in the event on the social network. Then, it analyzes the characteristics of the system evolution under different attitude scenarios, solution strategies, and measures. The results show that the timing of announcements can effectively affect the evolution of netizens’ opinions. Improving information transparency and objective reporting can accelerate the return of netizens to a rational state. The public opinion system can actively guide netizens and reduce the spread of extreme and radicalized public opinions.
Received: 16 August 2021
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