Article List

2022 Vol. 41, No. 6
Published: 24 June 2022

549 Constructing a Scientific and Technological Intelligence Theoretical System in a Complex Information Environment Hot!
Zhao Zhiyun, Zeng Wen
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.06.001
2022 Vol. 41 (6): 549-557 [Abstract] ( 494 ) HTML (68 KB)  PDF (935 KB)  ( 406 )
558 The Characteristic, Principle and Method of Collaborative Construction of Context Ontology Based on Concept Lattice Integration in Context-Aware System Hot!
Jiang Yongchang, Man Xiaoli, Wang Honglu
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.06.002
2022 Vol. 41 (6): 558-573 [Abstract] ( 329 ) HTML (168 KB)  PDF (3072 KB)  ( 520 )
574 Profiling Attribution on the Label of Scientific Research Institutions Based on the Ontology Model Hot!
Guo Hongmei, Zeng Jianxun
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.06.003
2022 Vol. 41 (6): 574-583 [Abstract] ( 227 ) HTML (91 KB)  PDF (1454 KB)  ( 480 )
584 Burst Term Detection Study Based on Multi-Indicators Hot!
Peng Guochao, Kong Yongxin, Wang Yuwen
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.06.004
2022 Vol. 41 (6): 584-593 [Abstract] ( 246 ) HTML (181 KB)  PDF (1601 KB)  ( 549 )
594 Research on the Governance Path of the Public Opinion Reversal of Emergency: Based on Information Interaction Perspective Hot!
Cong Jingyi, Ai Wenhua, Hu Guangwei
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.06.005
2022 Vol. 41 (6): 594-608 [Abstract] ( 469 ) HTML (286 KB)  PDF (4753 KB)  ( 408 )
609 Technology Convergence Prediction by the Semantic Representation of Patent Classification Sequence and Text Hot!
Zhang Jinzhu, Li Yifeng
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.06.006
2022 Vol. 41 (6): 609-624 [Abstract] ( 482 ) HTML (198 KB)  PDF (1639 KB)  ( 521 )
625 Effects of Online Surrogate Health Information Seeking on Health Behaviors and Health Levels of Supported People Hot!
Song Xiaokang, Zhao Yuxiang, Zhu Qinghua
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.06.007
2022 Vol. 41 (6): 625-636 [Abstract] ( 421 ) HTML (184 KB)  PDF (1021 KB)  ( 467 )
637 Review of the Research Progress on the Open Scientific Datasets Unified Discovery Platform Hot!
Luo Pengcheng, Wang Jimin, Nie Lei
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.06.008
2022 Vol. 41 (6): 637-650 [Abstract] ( 334 ) HTML (197 KB)  PDF (999 KB)  ( 650 )
651 Misinformation Detection in Social Media Hot!
Wu Shiyuan, Dong Qingxing, Song Zhijun, Zhang Bin
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.06.009
2022 Vol. 41 (6): 651-661 [Abstract] ( 361 ) HTML (147 KB)  PDF (1293 KB)  ( 797 )