Study on User Knowledge Collaborative Innovation Based on Super-Network — Example of Open Innovation Community “Pollen Club” |
Zhang Haitao1,2, Ren Liang3, Liu Weili1, Zhou Honglei1 |
1.School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022 2.Research Center of Information Resources of Jilin University, Changchun 130022 3.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract Based on the perspective of super-network, we examine the topic of knowledge collaborative evolution among users and explain the internal process mechanism of knowledge collaborative innovation evolution. Based on the user relationship network formed by the cooperative interaction of user knowledge, the evolution network formed by knowledge genes as nodes established during the knowledge evolution process and knowledge carrier-text network, the super-network theory is used to discover the mapping relationship between the three networks and additional visual analysis. Finally, a super-network model for collaborative innovation of user knowledge is constructed to realize a deeper analysis of users and their innovative knowledge, display the mapping relationship between the three networks, and then realize the objective of mining high-quality users. This helps to identify innovative knowledge texts and analyze the process of collaborative innovation of knowledge among users.
Received: 29 April 2020
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