Research on User Knowledge Collaboration Mechanism and Visualization in the Open Innovation Community |
Zhang Haitao1,2, Liu Weili1, Ren Liang3, Liu Yan1 |
1.School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022 2.Research Center of Information Resources of Jilin University, Changchun 130022 3.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract Focusing on the mechanism of knowledge collaboration and interaction among users in the open innovation community has important research value for improving knowledge innovation and enhancing the community's attraction. First, there is a summary of the research on open innovation communities at home and abroad and a proposal for the research direction of knowledge collaborative interaction mechanism. Second, constructing the process model of user knowledge collaborative interaction and detailing user knowledge collaborative interaction, which is divided into collaborative knowledge symbiosis and the process of collaborative knowledge cooperation, the user knowledge collaborative network is generated and discussed in detail. Finally, taking “pollen club” as a case, which uses UCINET to visualize the process, a strong closeness exists among the users, and knowledge resources are relatively concentrated. In addition, core users or structural hole users play a key role in knowledge innovation.
Received: 29 April 2020
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