History and Development of Scientific and Technical Intelligence in China |
Liu Ru1,2, Wu Chensheng1,2, Liu Yanjun1,2, Li Hui1,2, Li Menghui1,2 |
1. Beijing Institute of Science and Technology Information, Beijing 100044; 2. Beijing Science and Technology Information Strategy Decision-making Consultant Center, Beijing 100044 |
Abstract The historical evolution and missions of China's scientific and technical intelligence are examined to provide reference for their future development. Through literature research, field visits and historical research methods, comprehensively review the history, development and status quo of China's scientific and technological intelligence institutions. This study aims to summarize the values, significance, and functional characteristics of scientific and technical intelligence work undertaken in China for the purpose of revealing their fundamental mission and cultural consciousness. This paper systematically summarizes the historical development, system reform, and work on scientific and technical intelligence, based on which, the country’s future prospects are indicated with the principle of respecting traditional values but also promoting innovation.
Received: 12 May 2018
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