Discernment of the Concept of Information Resources and Its Logical Relationship with the Information, Data, and Knowledge |
Ye Jiyuan |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract Information resources are crucial strategic assets for economic and social development. However, the concept of information resources has long been based on narrow and broad definitions popularized abroad, resulting in ambiguity and frequent confusion with related concepts, such as information, information management, and information systems. This confusion hinders both theoretical research and practical applications. This study employs concept analysis, keyword analysis, and comparative research to clarify the concept of information resources, reveal their characteristics, and support the theoretical and practical development of disciplines such as information and information resource management, information economics, information sociology, journalism and communication, and computer science. By thoroughly absorbing the reasonable core of the various definitions, a new definition of information resources is proposed: information resources are all carriers (including the human brain) that record meaningful, exploitable, and usable epistemological information. These include data, knowledge, and wisdom resources. This new definition integrates and transcends the narrow and broad definitions, identifying the characteristics of information resources such as being carrier-based, scalable, demand-driven, communicable, transformable, shareable, and relative. Case studies demonstrate the new definition’s superior explanatory power and verifiability. They also clarify how the logical relationships between information resources and information, data, knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, and documents, in addition to laying a theoretical foundation for the better development and utilization of information resources.
Received: 12 July 2024
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