Interdisciplinarity of Information Resources Management: An Analysis Based on Multi-label Classification |
Liu Qingmin1,2, Wang Fang1,2 |
1.Department of Information Resources Management, Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 2.Center for Network Society Governance, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 |
Abstract In contemporary society, there are numerous complex, diverse, and interconnected problems that cannot be fully addressed within in a single discipline. Hence, interdisciplinary studies integrate knowledge, theories, methods, and technologies from multiple disciplines to address ambiguous and complex issues. To reveal the interdisciplinary trends and characteristics of research in the field of information resource management, this study uses the Chinese Library Classification Number (CLCN) as the basis for subject classification. Addressing inaccuracies in CLCN annotations provided by authors, the study employs large language models for data augmentation and optimization and applies a BERT-CNN algorithm to refine the CLCN. A systematic analysis of the literature in the field of information resource management is conducted. Regarding interdisciplinary diversity, two new metrics—inclusiveness and permeability—are proposed to measure the knowledge absorption capacity and diffusion influence among disciplines. The use of CLCN codes to mine and analyze high-frequency, continuous cross-disciplinary research themes and emerging hot topics has revealed the rapid development of emerging fields such as health informatics and digital humanities, as well as the ongoing interdisciplinary research. The results show that the field of information resource management presents a rich and diverse disciplinary pattern, with each discipline closely connected and influencing each other; its development is the result of the cross-integration of multiple disciplines. Interdisciplinary research is on the rise and plays an important role in information resource management. The establishment of guiding secondary disciplines has demonstrated rationality and effectiveness in terms of theoretical foundation, practical application, and interdisciplinary cooperation.
Received: 06 May 2024
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