Temporal Networks: Concept, Application, and Perspective |
Wu Jiang1,2,3, Yu Yang1,2, Ding Honghao1,2, Tao Chengxu1,2, Zuo Renxian1,2, He Chaocheng1,2,3,4 |
1.School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 2.Center for E-commerce Research and Development, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 3.Wuhan Institute of Data Intelligence, Wuhan 430072 4.Wuhan University Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen 519057 |
Abstract As a representation that captures dynamic interactions, temporal networks can provide an accurate depiction of dynamic systems in fields such as network public opinion and scientific collaboration. Because the application of temporal networks in these areas is in its nascent stage, this study systematically reviews the use of temporal networks in information science. First, a detailed introduction to the concept and research methods of temporal networks is provided. Specifically, their definitions are presented, metrics for structural types and output granularity are proposed, and the origins and development of temporal-network research methods are explained. Second, a keyword co-occurrence network and topic-clustering analysis is conducted on existing studies to identify the current research hotspots and application scenarios for temporal networks in information science. Third, based on existing application scenarios, this study analyzes the related findings in five areas of information science: scientific collaboration and scientometrics, medical informatics and health informatics, information recommendation and digital humanities, network public opinion and social media, and emerging technologies and smart cities. Finally, future research directions for temporal networks in information science are proposed from macro-, meso-, and micro-perspectives, thus providing insights for studies related to temporal networks in this domain.
Received: 15 April 2024
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