Identification Methodology Research for Breakthrough Technological Innovations Based on Dynamic Complex Networks |
Zhou Wenhao, Wu Bingyi, Li Hailin, Wang Panxi |
College of Business Administration, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021 |
Abstract Identifying and anticipating breakthrough technological innovations is critical for precisely implementing technological interventions and accelerating the formation of new quality productive forces. However, traditional single-measurement indicators cannot fully reflect the rich connotation and multidimensional characteristics of breakthrough technological innovations. Based on the theory of technological leap and knowledge recombination theory, this study constructed a novel two-stage identification method for breakthrough technological innovations based on a dynamic patent similarity network. It comprehensively examined two characteristics: the source of technological novelty and the impact of technology. The empirical study of 61431 authorized patents from 982 Chinese manufacturing enterprises successfully identified 3738 breakthrough technological innovations, accounting for 6.085%. Among them, independent and knowledge recombination breakthrough technologies accounted for 3.488% and 2.596%, respectively. Further, topic models were used to refine the main research fields and directions of breakthrough technological innovations. The effectiveness and robustness of the identification results were comprehensively verified by combining economic consequences, typical technology cases, technology field evolution cases, and multiple statistical models. The research findings provide a feasible identification framework and tools for breakthrough innovation-related research and technology foresight and technology policy formulation on the practical level.
Received: 20 February 2024
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