Transmission Pathways of Major Emergencies Based on Event Evolutionary Graph |
Zhang Chunlong1, Zhang Haitao1,2,3, Pang Yufei1, Yang Yi1, Zhang Kexin1 |
1.School of Business and Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 2.Information Resource Research Center, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 3.Institute of National Development and Security Studies, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 |
Abstract Starting from scientifically responding to major emergencies, this study focuses on intelligence and wisdom, and utilizes theories such as event evolutionary graphs and network science to clarify the conceptual implications of driving factors, transmission pathways, and coupling models of major emergencies. It constructs a transmission pathway and coupling model for major emergencies, further revealing the evolutionary mechanisms of these events. Based on theoretical research, a specific process of building a major emergency transmission link and a transmission link coupling model is proposed. Based on rainstorm data from the past three years, a rainstorm event transmission link and a transmission link coupling model are constructed, and the coupling mechanism between the event transmission link, public opinion transmission link, and emergency transmission link in rainstorm events is revealed. Then, the scientificity of the conduction link and coupling model, and the operability of the construction method and process are verified. Based on empirical research results and following the concept of system science, this paper discusses the application scenarios of major emergency transmission pathways and coupling models, which is of great significance for building a “risk management - public opinion management - emergency management” tripartite decision-making and emergency management system for major emergencies.
Received: 09 May 2024
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