Inventor Mobility and Team Dual Innovation: An Impact Analysis of Knowledge Complementarity and Knowledge Substitutability |
Wang Jiajie1,2, Wang Tao1,2, Sun Jianjun1,2 |
1.Laboratory of Data Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Innovation, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 2.School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract The mobility of inventors and the resultant impact on team innovation performance have garnered significant attention in academia. However, limited research exists on how inventors’ knowledge integrates with new team knowledge networks and how this coupling affects exploratory and exploitative innovation. Using a sample of 108,468 inventor mobility cases from the European Patent Office’s global patent database, this study measures the levels of knowledge complementarity and substitutability between inventors and new teams from the perspective of knowledge coupling. Using a negative binomial regression model, the results posit that (1) knowledge complementarity between inventors and new teams positively correlated with team exploratory innovation but negatively correlated with exploitative innovation; (2) knowledge substitutability positively correlated with exploitative innovation and negatively correlated with exploratory innovation; and (3) team knowledge breadth weakens the positive relationship between knowledge substitutability and team exploitative innovation while enhancing other related effects. These findings advance theoretical understanding of the innovation mechanisms underpinning knowledge transfer through talent mobility and offer practical insights into inventor mobility, team innovation collaboration, and related policy formulations, providing a reference for the development of talent hubs and innovation ecosystems.
Received: 18 January 2024
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