Mechanism of Knowledge Fusion and Value Transmission in Structural Unit of Citation-Network Knowledge Fusion |
Chen Yongyue, Xu Chunmeng, Xu Tingmei |
School of Management, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan430200 |
Abstract This study analyzes the process of knowledge fusion and the mechanism of value transmission in citation networks from a micro-perspective as well as reveals and evaluates the value, role, and contribution of literature in citation networks from a quantitative perspective. In this study, the basic structural units of knowledge-convergence fusion and knowledge-diffusion fusion are decomposed from a citation network. By representing and quantifying knowledge stock, knowledge flow, knowledge-fusion amount, and knowledge-fusion degree, an analysis method for the values of knowledge reference, knowledge flow, and knowledge fusion is constructed. Representative literature is selected from the Web of Science database for experimental analysis. Using quantitative data, the values of knowledge citation, knowledge flow, and knowledge integration are calculated, and the value, role, and contribution of the literature in knowledge integration are analyzed. Combining citation positions and the functional structure of papers, this study identifies the main literature that provides innovation and citations, as well as highly compatible and strongly correlated cited and citing literature.
Received: 20 March 2024
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