Knowledge Convergence in Technological Innovation: Studying the Impact of Dual Knowledge of “Science-Technology” on Patents |
Kong Jia1,2, Deng Sanhong1,2, Zhang Jiarui1, Kang Lele1, Wu Jie3 |
1.School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 2.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Service, Nanjing 210023 3.Jiangsu Institute of Quality and Standardization, Nanjing 210004 |
Abstract Exploring the pattern of the absorption of dual knowledge of “science-technology” by patents in the process of technological innovation and analyzing its influence on patent innovation is of great significance for the management of technological innovation. As data sources, we selected 2,589,039 citing patents filed between 1979 and 2013, 4047758 papers, and 6868547 patents cited by citing patents. We conducted a field analysis of citing patents, cited papers, and cited patents, and measured the intensity and breadth of the dual knowledge of “science-technology” absorbed by citing patents. Further, we analyzed the influence of factors such as the intensity and breadth of scientific knowledge and technological knowledge on the influence of patents based on the zero-inflation negative binomial regression model. The measurement indicators proposed in this study, such as SI (science intensity), TI (technology intensity), STI (science-technology intensity), and knowledge breadth, can effectively measure the intensity and breadth of the absorption of scientific and technological knowledge by citing patents. Through our analysis, we found that the science intensity of patents in the fields of Biotechnology and Food Chemistry is greater than others, and the technology intensity of patents in the fields of IT Methods for Management and Medical Technology is greater than others. The scientific knowledge absorbed by citing patents is more distributed in the fields of Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, and Computer Science. The technological knowledge absorbed by citing patents is more concentrated in the fields of Computer Technology and Medical Technology. The regression model shows that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the influence of patent and breadth of scientific knowledge, and a positive U-shaped relationship with the breadth of technological knowledge.
Received: 17 October 2021
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