Intelligent Decision-making Information System for Major Emergencies: A Holistic Approach to National Security |
Zhang Haitao1,2,3, Luan Yu1, Zhou Honglei1, Zhang Xinrui1, Pang Yufei1, Liu Weili1 |
1.School of Business and Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 2.Information Resources Research Center, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 3.Institute of National Development and Security Studies, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 |
Abstract The management of major emergencies is a complicated task. National security risk is intertwined with emergency management, which coincides with the governance process for major emergencies. An intelligent decision-making information system for major emergencies is the key to preventing national security risks and conducting emergency management. This study is guided by the dual need for national security and emergency management from the perspective of overall national security. The feedback cycle of “information-intelligence-business” is a common theme running through the “physical-cyber-social” ternary world. This study is an in-depth investigation of the theoretical cognition and structural operation of the intelligent decision-making information system, based on three aspects: cognitive framework, system architecture, and organizational structure. The concepts of information demand, intelligence wisdom, and intelligence decision are explained. The information system architecture, driven by data and knowledge, is discussed. We put forward the idea of constructing “Large Information Business Groups” and suggest that an intelligent decision-making information system for major emergencies under overall national security, not only plays the roles of “detector, scout, and consultant,” but also guides management.
Received: 10 August 2022
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