Service Mechanism Construction and Scenario Application of Emergency Management Intelligence Engineering in Complex Context |
Li Yang, Sun Jianjun |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract Under the influence of informatization construction, digital construction, and the data-driven thinking of the big-data era, the structural focus of traditional emergency management is shifting from the physical space to the information and data space. Emergency management emphasizes the enabling role of intelligence information more than before. Thus, building a special “intelligence highway” is necessary to address the more complex emergency-management context. Therefore, this study proposes the idea of constructing the service mechanism of emergency-management intelligence engineering. Emergency-intelligence work will progress towards integration, automation, cooperation, standardization, and long-term implementation based on the collaborative working environment of the emergency intelligence integration seminar hall and using the mechanisms of intelligence integration, intelligence analysis, intelligence study and judgment, intelligence transformation, and intelligence updating. These mechanisms will promote the realization of smart emergency management. Additionally, this study introduces the scenario application of an emergency management intelligence engineering service mechanism, such as smart emergency business innovation and emergency scientific research. The study also addresses the key research project, emergency-network public opinion, and emergency knowledge popularization. This study can enrich the theoretical system of emergency intelligence and promote the deepening of intelligence-engineering concepts in the field of emergency management, which can support the transformation of the emergency-management paradigm.
Received: 31 August 2021
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