Construction of Emergency Intelligence Support System for Government Think Tanks during Emergency Events |
Huang Xiaobin, Zhang Mingxin |
School of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006 |
Abstract This study aims to understand the components, interrelations, and existing problems of the emergency intelligence support system of Chinese government think tanks in emergencies, to provide inspiration for government think tanks to improve the quality of the emergency intelligence support system. Taking 33 government think tanks as cases, this paper examines various types of data released by the 33 think tanks during the Q event and constructs the emergency intelligence support system based on grounded theory. Emergency participants, emergency supporting objects, emergency intelligence needs, emergency supporting content, and emergency supporting processes are the components of the emergency intelligence support system of government think tanks. Emergency intelligence needs are the driving force, emergency participants are the thrust, and emergency supporting objects are the pulling force. The process and content of the emergency intelligence support system are closely related, forming the core of the emergency intelligence support system. Combined with the research results, this study puts forward some suggestions, such as integrating the crowdsourcing mode, encouraging public participation, introducing emerging information technology, and enhancing the coordination of emergency participants.
Received: 18 January 2021
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