Analysis of Key Technologies and Measures of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Based on S&T News Mining |
Wang Yanpeng1, Wang Xuezhao1,2, Chen Xiaoli1, Li Yizhan1, Liu Xiwen1,2 |
1.National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 2.Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 |
Abstract To fully grasp the historical opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, countries worldwide will inevitably aim at the strategic Science and Technology (S&T) field and use several key technologies as the starting point to launch a series of policies, strategies, plans, and specific measures to promote S&T progress and change, to occupy the first mover advantage in the fourth industrial revolution. The article uses important news texts such as science and technology policy strategies and research and development (R&D) progress released by major countries in recent years as the analysis object. Further, it uses natural language processing (NLP), text mining, and scientometrics to reveal the key fields, technologies, and initiatives that countries are concerned about in the fourth industrial revolution. The study found that major countries focus on S&T fields such as biology and agriculture, materials, aerospace, digital communications, energy, marine, traditional manufacturing, while actively deploying key technologies such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, nanotechnology, genetic technology. Additionally, major countries adopt investment plans, cooperative research, policy research, and research projects to promote the development of the aforementioned S&T fields and key technologies. Starting from the text mining of news texts, the article sorts out the layout of S&T fields, key technologies, and key measures of major countries in the fourth industrial revolution. From a theoretical standpoint, it expands the application scenarios of NLP, text mining, and scientometrics in S&T policy research. From a practical standpoint, it provides information and reference for our deployment of strategic S&T fields and key technologies, and implementation of initiatives.
Received: 18 January 2021
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