The Evolution Law of International Technology Trade Pattern: The Perspective of Data Analysis of Charges for the Use of Intellectual Property |
Feng Zhigang1,2, Zhang Zhiqiang1,2, Liu Hao1 |
1.Chengdu Library and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041 2.Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 |
Abstract From a global perspective, this study explores the evolution of the pattern of international technology trade activities over a significant period. This study selects the data of charges for the use of intellectual property of 50 major countries (regions) from 1970 to 2019 as the analysis object. Subsequently, it uses the gravity center model, science center transfer theory, and complex network analysis method to analyze the geographical gravity center transfer, center country (regions) transfer order, and network structure evolution of international technology trade from import and export perspectives. From 1970 to 2019: (1) The import and export geographical gravity centers of international technology trade were stable in the northern hemisphere, and moved eastward at the speed of 0.56 degrees (45.19 km) per year and 1.52 degrees (120.68 km) per year; the import gravity center was consistently located to the east of the export gravity center, but the distance between them was gradually narrowing. (2) The transfer order of the import center of international technology trade is Germany → Japan → the United States → the Netherlands → Ireland; the export center has not been transferred, and it has always been the United States, but its proportion continues to decline. (3) International technology trade activities are becoming increasingly extensive and deepening; the international technology trade network has obvious “small world” and “core-edge” structural characteristics; the dominant position of the United States is still obvious, with the strongest technology trade profitability; China’s network status has rapidly improved, but the export capacity of technology trade needs to be improved.
Received: 23 November 2020
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