Metamodel Study of Knowledge-Organization-System Theory Integrating Multidisciplinary Theories |
Zhai Kexin, Yuan Jingshu, Yuan Man |
School of Computer & Information Technology, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing163318 |
Abstract Based on literature review, most current studies pertaining to knowledge organization systems (KOS) focus primarily on the construction of domain-knowledge topic models, whereas few studies begin from the underlying fundamental theories to reveal the basic principles and operation mechanisms of KOSs. This results in inadequate guidance pertaining to the underlying methodology of KOS research and application, thus rendering it difficult to guarantee the quality and shareability of KOSs. Hence, this study first proposes a three-layer framework model that addresses the grammatical, semantic, and pragmatic aspects of KOSs. Based on this model, the operational mechanisms of the conceptualization process and the symbolic representation of knowledge semantics in knowledge organization are revealed. Second, by focusing on the semantic layer while integrating multidisciplinary theories, such as semantic triangulation, concepts, semiotics, and system theories, a theoretical metamodel of the knowledge-organization system is proposed, in addition to the method and process used for constructing KOSs in the domain. Finally, the feasibility of the theoretical metamodel and the KOS construction method and process is verified by considering knowledge-model construction in petroleum underground operations as the research object, thus providing a new scientific method for the high-quality and high-efficiency construction of KOSs in other fields.
Received: 11 January 2024
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