Analysis of Factors that Influence Researchers' Data Literacy Using SEM and fsQCA |
Bi Datian, Cao Ran |
School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022 |
Abstract The advent of the era of big data has been marked by the acquisition, analysis, use, and sharing of scientific data. Researchers' data literacy is playing a crucial role in maximizing the use of scientific data. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the factors that influence researchers' data literacy can better promote the utilization of scientific data and give play to its maximum value. This study used the structural equation model in a questionnaire survey to verify the hypothesis, and conducted a qualitative comparative analysis to explore the impact of factor combinations on data literacy. The results of the analysis show that education and training, technology platform, and literacy atmosphere significantly affect researchers' attitude toward scientific data literacy; education and training, literacy atmosphere, and attitude significantly affect the scientific data literacy of researchers; education and training, technical platform, and literacy atmosphere can have a positive impact on data literacy through attitude; high education background and positive attitude, or high education background, high education and training, low technology platform, low literacy atmosphere are the pre-requisites of high scientific data literacy.
Received: 23 July 2020
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