Research on Motivations for Members’ Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Social Networking Groups: The Case of a Facebook Group and a WeChat Group |
Geng Ruili, Shen Jing |
Information Management Department of Peking University, Beijing 100871 |
Abstract Social networking groups have recently attracted a large number of highly active members, enabling them to publish rich user-generated content and exchange knowledge frequently. Based on the theory of self-determination, this paper analyses the motivations of social networking group members’ knowledge sharing behavior from both intrinsic and extrinsic aspects. According to the planned behavior theory, knowledge sharing intention is introduced as a mediator between motivations and knowledge sharing behavior. Self-construal is regarded as a moderator between motivations and knowledge sharing intention based on self-construal theory. A research model of motivations for members’ knowledge sharing behavior in social networking groups with the moderating role of self-construal was developed, and a total of 467 sample data of a WeChat group and a Facebook Group were collected via questionnaire. Then, a partial least squares analysis was performed to test hypotheses and examine the research model. The results indicate that altruism and social engagement are the main motivators for members’ knowledge sharing in a social networking group, whereas the members’ self-construal moderates self-efficacy and reciprocity. Interdependent self-construal negatively moderates the relationship between self-efficacy and WeChat group members’ knowledge sharing intention, while independent self-construal negatively moderates the relationship between reciprocity and a Facebook group members’ knowledge sharing intention. This study proposes a cultural interpretation of motivational differences from the perspective of individual self-cognitive types; thus, the findings can enrich the relevant theories of motivation for knowledge sharing behavior and have managerial implications for social networking knowledge management.
Received: 26 September 2018
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