Structure, Behavior and Evolvement of Information Communication Network of WeChat Groups: Based on Conversation Analysis Perspective |
Ba Zhichao, Li Gang, Mao Jin, Xu Jian |
Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 |
Abstract The WeChat group has a complex conversational structure, involving different networking groups, user behaviors, and interactive modes, and it is extremely important to understand the information behaviors of WeChat users and communication relationships to reveal and grasp the network structure, behavior characteristics, and evolution law of information communication in a WeChat group. Based on the network community and conversational analysis theory, this paper applies social network analysis and content analysis methods to explore the network topology, user characteristics distribution, information interactivity types, and evolution law of WeChat groups with different target requirements. The results show that the sources of different types of WeChat groups have a strong aggregation, and some members basically dominate the exchange of information, which makes the user generated content (UGC) highly imbalanced. The enthusiasm of group members to participate in WeChat group chats is a decisive factor in group message distribution. Information communication in a WeChat group is “limited” and “fragmented” in nature without complete text meaning, and the conversation structure possesses an “infinite drift” or “infinite flow” nature. The expression of ideas in WeChat groups exhibits a “Spiral of Silence” phenomenon, which is influenced by group pressure, familiarity, and trust between group members. The whole session process of WeChat groups is composed of topic continuity, transfer, transformation, and reversal, in the same topic, the process also includes start, maintenance, silence, and end of the life cycle.
Received: 16 May 2017
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