Review of the Research on Relationship between Science and Technology |
Dong Kun1, 2, Xu Haiyun1, 3, Luo Rui1, 2, Wang Chao1, 2, Fang Shu1 |
1. Chengdu Documentation and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041;
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190;
3. Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC), Beijing 100038 |
Abstract Science and technology are the important forces that determine the trend of scientific and technological innovation. The in-depth analysis of knowledge association and interaction mechanism between science and technology is an important prerequisite to accurately grasp the law of development trends in science and technology as well as promote policies for the transformation of innovative results. This study focuses on the research of science-technology correlation analysis and analyzes the current status of research from three aspects: the conceptual connotation of science and technology, science-technology correlation analysis method, and science-technology interaction mode. It also indicates the inadequacy of the existing research and the future research prospects. The research indicates that the concepts of science and technology are different but related to each other and have complex knowledge relations and interactions. Nevertheless, quantitative analysis is the mainstream method to analyze the relationship between science and technology mostly through the correlation analysis of papers and patents. In the future, we will enhance the accuracy of classification of the research data, reveal the semantic association of science and technology from the text-content level, introduce more standards to further divide the scientific-technical interaction modes, as well as improve the practical value of the research.
Received: 20 December 2017
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