The Local Evolution of Chinese Intelligence Studies and Intelligence Work: Theoretical Proposition and Discourse Construction |
Li Yang, Sun Jianjun |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract Entering the new era, the development of intelligence studies and intelligence work in China ushered in a new development opportunity, and urgently needed new positioning, knowledge and responsibilities. In view of the common contract of the positional argument in the field of information and connotations of “intelligence”, this paper sums up the evolution logic of the localization paradigm of the development of Chinese intelligence studies and intelligence work, from exclusive intelligence to the lack of intelligence and the “physical ability” of intelligence, as well as the development of Chinese intelligence studies and intelligence work with a deep branding of the times. Owing to the present academic norm, and from a theoretical point of view, this paper holds that the development of intelligence studies and intelligence work in China is in the dual transition stage of the overall coordination of intelligence system and the comprehensive promotion of intelligence ability. The important aspect of the future development of intelligence studies and intelligence work is expounded, and the local implication of this proposition of a “physical fitness” isomorphism era is explained in depth. Based on the construction of discourse, this paper, taking the “three steps” strategy as the clue, and taking the isomorphic logic of physical energy as the core, discusses the strategic orientation and development path of Chinese intelligence studies and intelligence work in the “physical energy” isomorphism to build a new era with distinctive Chinese special intelligence studies discipline construction and intelligence cause. The direction of development is indicated.
Received: 16 January 2018
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