Analysis of the Joint Construction Path of Big Data Management and Application Specialty in Information Management Departments of Domestic Universities |
Ye Guanghui1,2, Cao Gaohui1,2, Xia Lixin1,2 |
1.School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 2.Center for Data Governance and Intelligent Decision-Making of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430079 |
Abstract The major of Big Data Management and Application (BDM&A) is a new major serving the national big data development strategy, as well as a new carrier and fulcrum to support the cultivation of library and information talents. However, the overall scale of the information management departments responsible for the BDM&A major construction is limited, and their construction characteristics are not prominent. This is because the major courses lack systematic top-level design and normative guidance, and the major construction quality standards need to be introduced urgently. Based on a comprehensive investigation of the existing research, this paper explores the joint construction path of the BDM&A major in information management departments based on four dimensions. First, the professional organization and standards dimension focus on the innovation of the professional joint construction organizational model and the introduction of professional certification standards. Second, the professional resources dimension highlights the joint construction and sharing of teaching, training, and discipline resources. Third, the professional construction effect dimension focuses on describing the quantitative analysis steps such as the design of evaluation indicators, index system construction, and grade description. Finally, the current implementation direction of BDM&A major construction is emphasized. This path will provide an effective reference for the training of high-quality BDM&A major talents in information management departments.
Received: 17 February 2022
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