Analysis of Intelligence Science Textbook Materials in China |
Liang Jiwen1,2, Wang Wei1,2, Yang Jianlin1,2 |
1.School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 2.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Service, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract Textbook resources are the core element of subject education. This article provides a multi-dimensional analysis of the current situation of the design, creation, and use of intelligence science textbook resources in China and explores trends in the planning and layout of these resources while keeping in mind that this intelligence science content is driven by the national strategy. The article provides references for the long-term development of educational resources and discipline construction. In this study, comprehensive information was collected on the creation and use of textbook resources on intelligence science and related disciplines in China through literature research, network research, and other methods. Next, analysis was conducted considering different dimensions such as the publication time of the textbook, the subject content, and the quality of the textbook. The research results show that in recent years, as an applied discipline, the creation of textbook resources has shifted the focus of intelligence science due to the impact of related majors. Currently, there are problems such as missing information elements, uneven distribution of topics, fuzzy application levels, and incoherent content. On this basis, a corresponding improvement path for the design and creation of teaching material resources is proposed that involves improving the top-level design, standardizing the principles of writing, balancing various teaching materials, and promoting the application of teaching materials.
Received: 05 November 2021
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