Research on the Construction of Major Emergencies Picture from a Philosophical Perspective |
Zhang Haitao1,2,3, Zhang Chunlong1, Luan Yu1, Zhang Xinrui1 |
1.School of Business and Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 2.Information Resources Research Center, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 3.Institute of National Development and Security Studies, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 |
Abstract Based on a rejuvenation strategy, China is in a period of profound changes unseen in a century. Subsequently, from the perspective of national security, there is a need to coordinate national development and security, uphold the concept of science, and develop essential laws of complex things. There is also the need to deconstruct and construct in parallel, putting the core idea of “Dao, Fa, Shu, Qi, and Shi” from traditional Chinese philosophy into practice during major emergencies. Simultaneously, emergency research should be transformed using the “purpose and concept, perception and follow, deconstruction method, presentation carrier, and vision and prospect.” Combining philosophy with the underlying logic can explain the internal laws and logic of the development and evolution of major emergencies and form a macro cognitive framework as an overview of major emergencies. The major emergencies perspective is a human perceptual perception of major emergencies, presenting the cognitive panorama of major emergencies using intelligence and providing ideas for the systematic cognition and research of major emergencies so that the emergency management of major emergencies through intelligence-decision can be promoted. This will allow intelligence and wisdom to modernize the national governance system and increase governance capacity.
Received: 10 August 2022
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