Evaluation Model of Academic Social Website Based on CRM-BSC: Construction and Empirical Research |
Xiong Huixiang, Chen Qi, Dai Qinquan |
School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 |
Abstract Based on domestic and foreign literature research and preliminary research, from the user’s perspective, this paper constructed the evaluation index system of academic social websites based on the CRM-BSC theoretical model and carried out empirical research, with a view to enrich the existing research and provide comprehensive evaluation standards and tools for academic social websites. Through literature and network research, the study designed the first- and third-level indicators of the academic social website evaluation model from the four dimensions of the CRM-BSC theoretical model form the top-to-bottom. Accordingly, the study tested and improved the evaluation indicators based on the small sample questionnaire test and used exploratory factor analysis to extract the second-level indicators from the bottom up. To this end, the formal version of the online survey questionnaire was designed, the sample data results were combined to scientifically test the evaluation indicator system, and the coefficient of variation method was used to assign the index weight. Three typical domestic and foreign academic social websites were selected for empirical research: ResearchGate, sciencenet, and muchong.com. The empirical evaluation results show that sciencenet and muchong.com continue having a certain gap compared with ResearchGate in terms of “user-centric” service provision. Overall, the current mainstream academic social websites fail to perform in the dimensions of “user value” and “user satisfaction.” Furthermore, some optimization space exists in the dimensions of “user knowledge” and “user interaction.” Finally, this paper analyzed the reasons for the shortcomings of the current academic social websites and introduced countermeasures to improve the construction of academic social websites from the four dimensions of CRM-BSC model.
Received: 29 May 2020
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