Promoting the Evaluation of Representative Works: Challenges and Recommendations |
Yu Liping1, Zhang Kuangwei2, Jiang Changbing2 |
1.School of Statistics and Mathematics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018 2.School of Management and E-business, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018 |
Abstract The representative system has recently been implemented in scientific and technological evaluations. Analyzing and thinking about the representative system is helpful to perfect the representative system and improve the quality of scientific and technological evaluations. To this end, the present article first analyzes the evaluation object. Next, the challenges in evaluating the representative work are examined from the perspective of the evaluation purpose, evaluation object, peer review, and evaluation technology. Finally, the reliability and pass rate of the representative work is mathematically proven. Studies have found that representative evaluation suffers from the following challenges: macroscopic perspective, the interdisciplinary comparison, the author's requirement to choose between different types of work and the masterpiece, subject heterogeneity impact assessment, applicability to different academic evaluation problem, the imperfection of the peer review system, mismatch between the assessments of evaluation experts and the objective, difficulty in comparing different groups, high cost, and low reliability of assessment. Furthermore, the following policy recommendations are made. First, it is inappropriate to expand the scope of the representative work review. Second, the requirements for representative work selection should be clarified, the classification evaluation should be refined, and traditional methods should be used for junior and intermediate scholars. Finally, a review system should be established that considers both quantitative assessment and representative works, improves the quality of peer review, provides autonomy to universities in science and technology review systems, promotes bibliometric indicators, and improves the technology evaluation mechanism.
Received: 22 April 2020
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