Research on the Collaborative Mechanism of Medical Data Sharing Stakeholders: Based on Quadripartite Evolutionary Game Analysis |
Zhang Meng1, Mu Dongmei1,2, Deng Jun3, Wang Ping1, Li Yin1 |
1.School of Public Health, Jilin University, Changchun 130000 2.The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130000 3.School of Business and Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 |
Abstract In the medical data-sharing process, the balance of interests among various subjects is the key to promoting the collaborative participation of stakeholders. Thus, the construction of the collaborative mechanism of medical data sharing is conducive to its optimal development. Based on the evolutionary game theory, the benefit matrix was constructed from the perspective of the dynamic distribution of interests. The replication dynamic equation was then used to analyze the game strategy selection mechanism driven by interests, whereas the influence of key factors on system evolution was analyzed using MATLAB R2023a simulation. From the initial stage of simulation to the mature stage, medical data sharing underwent 12 stable strategy points of the evolutionary game, whereas the cooperation evolution process of various subjects exhibited dynamic characteristics. Strong government supervision can effectively promote the collaborative participation of stakeholders in medical data sharing. Furthermore, reducing the cost of strong supervision has a significant positive impact on the strategy selection of the government and medical institutions providing data. The government's subsidy coefficient for medical institutions and the rewards and punishments for medical data centers positively drive medical institutions to provide medical data, in addition to reducing the risk of medical data sharing. The cost and benefit of data sharing by medical institutions substantially impact the strategy selection of medical data providers, and the influence degree varies in different configurations.
Received: 02 January 2024
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