Influence of Subject and Region Intersection in the Knowledge Exchange of Scientific Academic Collaboration in Digital Humanities |
Ye Guanghui1, Peng Ze1, Bi Chongwu2, Xia Lixin1 |
1.School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 2.School of Information Management, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001 |
Abstract To change the practice that previous studies were limited to in exploring the influence of a single measure of discipline or region crossover on knowledge exchange of academic collaboration, this study integrates two measures of such crossovers to analyze the complex influence process of these two measures on the formation of meta-network characteristics of knowledge flow of academic collaboration. First, we construct such a meta-network, and set up an index system for the analysis of the characteristics of nodes, subgroups, and the entire network. We then analyze the characteristics of the meta-network according to the calculated index values. The two sub-networks from the two measures of geographic and subject intersection are analyzed, and the characteristics of these two sub-networks in each dimension of node, sub-group, and the whole network are obtained. Finally, the relationship between the regional and the subject cross subnets and the meta-network characteristics of academic collaboration knowledge flow is established, and the function mechanism of subject cross and regional cross in the formation and evolution of the meta-network characteristics is obtained.
Received: 23 July 2021
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