Academic Output Distribution in Authors of Highly Cited Papers among Different City-University Clusters |
Zhang Guilan, Pan Yuntao, Zheng Chuhua, Wang Haiyan, Ma Zheng |
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract In the open scientific research ecosystem environment, researchers were self-selective and self-organized to a certain extent in growth and development. The integrated development of universities and cities constituted the external ecological environment for researchers, which further affected their growth and development. Based on the economic level of cities and academic level of universities, this study proposed city-university clusters at different levels. We studied the academic output distribution of researchers among different city-university clusters. In this study, the authors of highly cited papers in artificial intelligence were used as examples. The basic and work information, project data, paper output data and patent output data of the authors were obtained comprehensively through data mining. We used statistical analysis and PSM (propensity score matching) to explore the distribution. We also examined the combined influence of city-university on their academic output. We found that the authors of highly cited papers were mainly concentrated in top universities, and ranking of universities and number of authors met the power function distribution law that a was negative. Certain differences were identified in the academic output distribution in authors of highly cited papers among different city-university clusters. The academic output of the higher level of city-university clusters was significantly higher, and degree of dispersion larger. Furthermore, university and city had double the influence on authors’ academic output. The influence of university on academic output was higher than that of city. The high-quality university platform could make up for the influence of city economic level on researchers’ academic output.
Received: 21 May 2022
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