New Explanation on Disruptive Technology: Concept, Connotation and Features |
Su Cheng, Zhao Zhiyun, Zhao Xiaoyuan, Pan Yuntao, Jia Xiaoying |
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract At present, the academic understanding of the concept, connotation and features of disruptive technology is not clear enough, and there are still great differences in understanding. Based on this, this study focuses on the new interpretation of the concept, connotation and features of disruptive technology. By interpreting the state of development and analyzing the problems of existing concepts, connotations and features, the concept of disruptive technology is redefined in terms of means, methods, results and effects; the connotation of disruptive technology is newly interpreted in terms of technology sources, market characteristics, disruption processes and main driving forces, thus revealing the differentiated characteristics of different types of disruptive technology and the dynamic evolutionary characteristics of disruption; a new definition of the features of disruptive technology is provided, and five essential characteristics are proposed: “transformative,” “breakthrough,” “forward-looking,” “alternative,” and “high-risk;” and recommendations are made in terms of the funding system, priority development areas, and new management mechanisms of disruptive innovation funds. This study further clarifies a series of fundamental issues such as the basic concept, core connotation and essential features of disruptive technology, establishes the theoretical basis for better theoretical and practical work related to disruptive technology, and provides practical insights for promoting disruptive technology innovation in China.
Received: 11 October 2021
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