Financial Security Intelligence Analysis Based on Blockchain Driven Trustable Big Data and AI |
Ding Xiaowei and Su Xinning |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract Financial security is a vital component of national security. The 2008 financial tsunami endangered the whole world and is a valuable research sample of financial security to this day. There are many causes for the financial crisis. This study reflects on the 2008 financial crisis from an intelligence analysis perspective. From a data and information point of view, incomplete, imperfect, inaccurate, fragmented, untrustworthy, and inadequate data are the causes of the crisis; whereas data and information silos hinder the intelligent analysis of financial risk and hamper the detection of early warning signs, all of which contributed to the crisis. From a modeling and methodology perspective, input data quality affects model and output quality (GIGO—garbage in, garbage out). The lack of efficient integration between human and machine intelligence is also one of the important causes for the lack of early risk warning signs and the inability to resist crises. Ten years later, we now have blockchain, big data, and artificial intelligence. Will we do better in another financial crisis? This study calls for the construction of a new foundational financial information infrastructure. On this basis, the concepts of trustworthy blockchain-based big data, artificial intelligence, and financial (big data) intelligence analysis are put forward. Equipped with a new foundational financial information infrastructure architecture and a new intelligence analysis based on trustworthy big data and artificial intelligence, human beings are expected to improve their prevention and control of financial risk, early detection of possible financial crises, and maintenance of financial security.
Received: 26 June 2019
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