Research on Theory Model and Running of the Decision-driven Intelligence Process |
Li Pin1,2, Xu Linyu1,2, Yang Jianlin1,2 |
1. School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023; 2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering & Knowledge Service, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract Supporting decision-making is an important function of intelligence studies, and scientific and reasonable intelligence process is required as a guarantee for realizing this function. In order to ensure that intelligence work can produce high-quality intelligence products, and can be accepted by decision makers, and can affect the decision-making process of decision makers, this paper proposes a decision-driven intelligence process model. The model emphasizes the decision-making needs in the context of subjective and objective interweaving, the follow-up of intelligence activities in their changes and the feedback of multiple and repeated cycles, realizes the deep-seated dialogue between decision makers and information work, advocates the free flow of resources, and emphasizes the formation of networks between intelligence collectors and analysts so as to ensure the sufficiency of decision makers and intelligence workers. The interaction will drive the continuous operation of the intelligence process. The model provides an action guide for intelligence work supporting decision-making, provides a basis for intelligence management oriented to intelligence practice, provides guidance for training comprehensive practical ability of intelligence talents, and provides a new growth point for theoretical innovation oriented to interdisciplinary science.
Received: 18 October 2018
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