Research on Construction and Application of a Knowledge Discovery System Based on Intelligent Processing of Large-scale Governmental Documents |
Zhao Hong1,2, Wang Fang1, Wang Xiaoyu1, Zhang Weichong1, Yang Jing1 |
1. Department of Information Resources Management, Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071; 2. CETC Big Data Research Institute Co., Ltd., Guiyang 550081 |
Abstract Governmental documents are an important form of knowledge resource. Knowledge discovery in governmental document resources based on intelligent processing can help achieve the goal of intelligent knowledge management and promote administrative efficiency in document fiction, document approval, document circulation, and document archiving. It can also significantly promote building digital government and enhance the effectiveness of government governance. To implement intelligent processing of large-scale governmental documents, this paper proposes a series of processing stepsWould this a better alternative?, including content structure analysis, subject automatic indexing, abstractive summarization, key content extraction and sorting, knowledge extraction and linking of policy/decree/administrative enforcement documents, task dissociation, and right-responsibility matching in governmental decree documents. Based on the above processing steps, this paper constructs the knowledge discovery system and analyzes its application. Finally, it also presents a case of knowledge discovery in specific governmental documents.
Received: 03 May 2018
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