Collaborative Order Model of Social and Knowledge Systems in Online Knowledge Communities |
Qiu Jiangnan, Zhang Meihui, Yang Chang |
Faculty of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024 |
Abstract With the development Web2.0, online knowledge communities (OKCs) are becoming collaborative platforms for knowledge construction. On the one hand, in the social system, OKC users form social networks via interaction and collaboration; users construct their knowledge structure by learning from others. On the other hand, in the knowledge system, the objective knowledge system of an OKC is constructed by integration and link knowledge view from OKC users. The knowledge and social systems of OKCs are self-evolution and co-evolution and interaction with each other. As a result, this paper studies the co-evolution mechanism of knowledge and social systems. First, we analyze the mechanism of internalization, externalization, assimilation, and adaptation of the OKC platform knowledge. Consequently, based on self-organization theory, we established the co-evolution framework for OKCs, where the process and path of OKCs social and knowledge systems are discussed. Finally, we explain the mechanism of the synergy of social system and knowledge system in OKCs by setting the example of Wikipedia.
Received: 02 February 2018
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