Data Science and Its Implications on the Transformation of Information Science |
Ba Zhichao, Li Gang, Zhou Liqin, Mao Jin |
Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 |
Abstract In the era of big data, the scientific community advocates the establishment of data sciences to form research paradigms and thought patterns that are differentiated and characterized by disciplines. Information science should positively absorb the theories, techniques, and methods of data science to seek the best paradigm for big data to promote the development of information science. On the basis of grasping the scientific nature, theoretical system, and research methods of data science, this paper constructs the inherent logical relationship between data, data science, and information science, and explores the significant influence of data science on the paradigm transformation of information science from the perspectives of technical methods, system construction, and practical application. Finally, the new topics that information science should pay attention to in the current development of big data and data science are pointed out.
Received: 28 February 2018
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