Recommendation Method for Enterprise R&D Partners Using Technology Matching and Typological Optimization |
Zhao Zhanyi1,2, Zhong Yongheng2,3,4, Li Zhenzhen3,4, Liu Jia2,3,4, Xi Chongjun1,2 |
1.National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 2.Department of Information Resources Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 3.National Science Library (Wuhan), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071 4.Hubei Key Laboratory of Big Data in Science and Technology, Wuhan 430071 |
Abstract Accurately recommending compatible partners among diverse innovation entities is crucial for reducing innovation risks and overcoming key core technological challenges. This study proposes a method for recommending enterprise R&D partners based on technology matching and typological optimization to enhance precision and interpretability. The method integrates technological matching, including technological similarity and complementarity to identify large-scale potential cooperation pairs using machine learning algorithms. The Boston Matrix is employed to categorize these recommendations across two dimensions: technological similarity and complementarity. Additionally, indicators such as innovation strength, cooperation preferences, proximity, and brand effect are combined to evaluate the typological results and optimize the entire process. Using the field of fuel cells for an empirical application, the results depict that the model's identification algorithm achieves an F1 value of 93%, outperforming category and semantic dimensions-based algorithms by 2 and 4 percentage points, respectively. This model accurately reflects technological matching between innovation entities and supports the subdivision of partners into four categories: priority cooperation, key focus, transformative complement, and diversified expansion. The evaluation and optimization results can effectively distinguish and provide various options for enterprises, increasing the likelihood of successful cooperation.
Received: 20 November 2023
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