The Recognition and Changes in Users' Emotions during Online Academic Information Search Processes |
Han Zhengbiao, Ma Maoning, Zhai Ranran |
College of Information Management, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095 |
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the recognition and changes in users' emotions during the processes of completing two types of search task and their causes. Data on 75 subjects' emotions during the processes of two search tasks—namely, a factual search and a topic search—were collected via the experimental, think aloud, and questionnaire methods. The data were analyzed by paired samples t-tests, open coding, and axial coding. The results showed that, first, three types of emotion were identified during the search processes of the two tasks, which were positive, negative, and neutral. The number of negative emotional changes emerged as an inverted V-shaped pattern. The number of positive emotions showed different change patterns in different task types. The number of neutral emotions was very low in both types of search task. Second, the users' emotions in each stage of the search task were derived from different factors. In the demand generation stage, users' cognition of the search task was the main source result in their emotions. In the executing search stage, users' cognition of the search results and search strategies was the main source of their emotions. In the selecting resources stage, users' cognition of the search results was the main source of their emotions. Third, there were significant differences in user satisfaction between the factual search task and topic search task. The users' satisfaction in the factual search task was significantly higher than that in the topic search task. This research is able to provide theoretical support for developing information retrieval systems oriented to users' emotional needs.
Received: 08 November 2020
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