Rethinking the Foundational Principles of Information Science |
Yang Jianlin1,2 |
1.School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 2.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering & Knowledge Service, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract The application frequency of the foundational principles of information science is generally low. In this article, the foundational principles of existing information science are reviewed and analyzed; further, the rationality and deficiencies of certain foundational principles are examined. The article identifies some irrationality regarding the existing foundational principles of information science. Explanations of the principles are too simple. Some foundational principles directly regard some phenomena or processing steps in the intelligence process as principle. Some foundational principles lack supporting explanations entirely or have explanations that are not sufficiently thorough. For example, the logarithmic perspective principle lacks a sufficient scientific basis and practical case; it also lacks the foundational principles of intelligence in the core concept. This article includes four suggestions for reconstructing the foundational principles of information science. First, a set of foundational principles based on the intelligence process is proposed. Second, a set of foundational principles based on a group of intelligence behaviors in the intelligence process is also proposed. Third, valuable ideas from the relevant expositions of the paradigms in information science are considered. Finally, foundational principles derived from laws in the field of information science have been eliminated.
Received: 21 February 2019
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