Research on the Discovery of Entity Relationships in Subdivided Domains under the Guidance of a Small-scale Knowledge Base |
Chen Guo1,2, Xu Tianxiang1 |
1.Department of Information Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094 2.Jiangsu Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation Center of Social Public Safety, Nanjing 210094 |
Abstract The acquisition of entity relationships in subdivided domains is a key issue for deepening and generalizing applications of knowledge engineering. In order to tackle the core problem of heavy reliance on manually annotated corpus at present, a natural solution is to use the existing (or low-cost) knowledge base in the subdivided domains as a guide. In contrast to the general knowledge base, the domain knowledge base is often small. This means it is necessary to not only use the ready-made knowledge content, but also to fully explore the “domain meta-knowledge” contained in the domain knowledge base. This paper proposes a subdivided domain entity relationship discovery scheme that combines domain meta-knowledge and a word embedding vector analogy. First, this paper describes the entity relationship constraints of a specific subdivided domain based on the existing knowledge base, such as the symptom representation relationship, which consists of <disease, symptom> entity pairs. Secondly, the word embedding vector of the domain entity is calculated according to the corresponding domain corpus. Following this, the positive and negative case vector benchmarks of various relational word embedded analogies are learned to provide a small number of high-quality entity relationships in the knowledge base, with the entity relationship classifier then trained based on this. Finally, for a given domain entity, by combining relational constraints, word embedding similarity, and word embedding analogy results, the entities that form different types of relationships are obtained. Taking the cardiovascular data as an example, a small amount of domain knowledge extracted from the encyclopedia can be used to obtain a better entity relationship recognition effect.
Received: 19 December 2018
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