Exploratory Analysis of Citation Counts and Altmetrics Indicators of Chinese Academic Books and the Implications |
Ming Li, Jiang Li, Ming Chen, Shi Jin |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract This study performed an exploratory analysis of the relationship between citation counts and altmetrics indicators of Chinese academic books, thereby providing a factual reference for the rational construction of a comprehensive impact evaluation system for Chinese academic books under the new academic exchange environment. The selected samples were three categories of top-ten cited books from CBKCI statistical reports, and their altmetrics data were collected from the Douban Reading platform. All data were analyzed by correlation analysis and principal component analysis. Our study found that citation counts and altmetrics indicators reflect different impacts of the sample books and that they are independent and complementary. From the perspective of the data’s internal correlation and clustering, additional factors must be extracted from the altmetrics indicators. The comprehensive evaluation of the impact of Chinese academic books can be conducted horizontally from both academic and social dimensions. Vertically, the level of communication and value judgment should be distinguished. In addition, clarifying the relationship between altmetrics and traditional evaluation methods can make the overall study more systematic. The introduction of altmetrics provides unique value in improving the usefulness of an evaluation system for Chinese academic books.
Received: 10 January 2019
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