Literature Metadata Integration |
Qiujing Ding1,2, Jianxun Zeng2 |
1.School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 2.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract The development in digital publishing has gradually reduced the advantages of bibliographic data integration in libraries and information institutions that have acquisition and cataloguing as their core functions. They lag behind publishers and integrators scale, depth and application of data. Publishers and integrators strengthen the integration of literature metadata through fine-grained data processing, semantic association, and large-scale storage. The modern information service industry has undergone significant changes. Owing to the challenges of lagging metadata management and limited copyright of full-text service, libraries and information institutions need to pay greater attention to the local accumulation and application of literature metadata on the basis of the construction of full-text resources. The development of a modern information service system is supported by the collection and acquisition of literature metadata from multiple sources, integrations and semantic organization, based on various literature elements. Knowledge discovery services can be carried based on the integrated metadata. In the end, the content and significance of information resources can be fully reflected, and metadata development strategy can be practiced.
Received: 28 November 2018
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