Research on the Symbiotic Evolution of Micro-Government Information Disclosure Based on Population Density |
Zhu Xiaofeng, Zhang Wei, Zhang Lin |
Economics and Management School, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing 211800 |
Abstract For information disclosure, micro-governments adopt a symbiotic system constructed using multi-agent, multimedia, and multi-object. Based on internal population density, it is important to analyze the symbiotic evolution law, which is highly significant to the collaborative development of “Internet + government.” Therefore, from the perspective of symbiotic evolution, a logistic dynamic equation is established with the microcosm population and the vermicelli population as the epitome. The evolution process of the population is analyzed based on two dimensions of independent development and symbiotic development, and the Sina microblog is used as the data source to examine the cooperation between the government microblog and microblog users in the fields of public security, news, traffic, and meteorology. This reflects the current situation of mutual benefit and promotion in different fields prevailing between our government and the public. The empirical evidence shows that there is a symbiotic evolution relationship between micro-government information and the internal population growth of the news and traffic affairs microblog, and all of them are in the parasitic mode, and the internal population of the public security and meteorological affairs microblog is in the asymmetric mutualism mode.
Received: 15 April 2018
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