Analysis of Studies on the National Governance of Scientific and Technical Information |
Wang Yanfei1,2, Chen Meihua1, Zhao Keran1, Liu Ji1 |
1. Department of Information Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 2. Peking University Ocean Strategy Research Center, Beijing 100871 |
Abstract The national governance of scientific and technical information is an important guarantee for the development of national science and technology innovation, as well as an essential part of the construction of a national information governance system. This paper elaborates on both the core issues, such as the system and policies related to research on national science and technology governance, and the core analytical methods adopted by institutes, such as historical analysis, systematic analysis, and ecological interpretation. The special requirements needed for information governance on national science and technology from the point of view of information perception, characterization, and response are highlighted. Additionally, it is essential to pursue the creation of a healthy and sustainable ecological environment for science and technology information and to explore academic achievements that are in line with the concept of overall national security, as well as support national military-civilian integration and an innovation-driven development strategy based on the most comprehensive perspective of time and space.
Received: 20 April 2018
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