Exploration of China's Scientific and Technological Intelligence Research Methods Based on Demand Orientation |
Zhao Zhiyun1, Zeng Wen1, Wang Zhongjun2, Yu Wei2 |
1.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 2.North Institute for Scientific & Technical Information, Beijing 100089 |
Abstract China's scientific and technological intelligence business started in the mid-1950s. Through multiple stages of development, it has gradually moved toward a more intelligent era of scientific and technological intelligence. This study uses historical tracing and induction to obtain a clear picture of the development process of China's scientific and technological intelligence research methods, and then summarizes those methods along with the application system structure. The article sheds light on how the scientific and technological intelligence research work system operates in a new environment, identifies the six main aspects of the exploration path of scientific and technological intelligence research methods, and provides new ideas and insights for promoting the development of scientific and technological intelligence in the new context.
Received: 23 August 2021
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