Full Abstracts

2022 Vol. 41, No. 1
Published: 2022-01-24

1 Exploration of China's Scientific and Technological Intelligence Research Methods Based on Demand Orientation Hot!
Zhao Zhiyun, Zeng Wen, Wang Zhongjun, Yu Wei
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.001
China's scientific and technological intelligence business started in the mid-1950s. Through multiple stages of development, it has gradually moved toward a more intelligent era of scientific and technological intelligence. This study uses historical tracing and induction to obtain a clear picture of the development process of China's scientific and technological intelligence research methods, and then summarizes those methods along with the application system structure. The article sheds light on how the scientific and technological intelligence research work system operates in a new environment, identifies the six main aspects of the exploration path of scientific and technological intelligence research methods, and provides new ideas and insights for promoting the development of scientific and technological intelligence in the new context.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 604 ) HTML (63 KB)  PDF (2402 KB)  ( 810 )
10 A Comparative Study on the Fundamental Conditions of Information Response Hot!
Chen Meihua, Wang Yanfei
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.002
It is the core of information work to solve the problem of incomplete information in the decision-making process. It is a research topic that cannot be ignored by information studies in preparing for the response to the mission of information business activities through the construction of information infrastructure, to achieve the sustainable development of information cause. Based on the previous related research, this article has defined the connotation of the fundamental conditions of information response and its main content. With the guidance of ecological concepts, it delineates the fundamental business system mechanism of information response, and makes an analysis on the optimal response practices of the environment and subject elements of the information response systems. It puts forward the fundamental conditions and requirements for the sustainable development of China’s information response, including: strengthening the construction of both scientific and technological information and cross-domain data resources; creating an information education development system with Chinese characteristics, building an information education training model for the diversified information talents; and improving the management and evaluation model of information agencies to realize the continuous support of the fundamental conditions to the information response.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 10-17 [Abstract] ( 167 ) HTML (77 KB)  PDF (898 KB)  ( 376 )
18 Construction of Emergency Intelligence Support System for Government Think Tanks during Emergency Events Hot!
Huang Xiaobin, Zhang Mingxin
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.003
This study aims to understand the components, interrelations, and existing problems of the emergency intelligence support system of Chinese government think tanks in emergencies, to provide inspiration for government think tanks to improve the quality of the emergency intelligence support system. Taking 33 government think tanks as cases, this paper examines various types of data released by the 33 think tanks during the Q event and constructs the emergency intelligence support system based on grounded theory. Emergency participants, emergency supporting objects, emergency intelligence needs, emergency supporting content, and emergency supporting processes are the components of the emergency intelligence support system of government think tanks. Emergency intelligence needs are the driving force, emergency participants are the thrust, and emergency supporting objects are the pulling force. The process and content of the emergency intelligence support system are closely related, forming the core of the emergency intelligence support system. Combined with the research results, this study puts forward some suggestions, such as integrating the crowdsourcing mode, encouraging public participation, introducing emerging information technology, and enhancing the coordination of emergency participants.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 18-28 [Abstract] ( 296 ) HTML (106 KB)  PDF (1558 KB)  ( 643 )
29 Analysis of Key Technologies and Measures of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Based on S&T News Mining Hot!
Wang Yanpeng, Wang Xuezhao, Chen Xiaoli, Li Yizhan, Liu Xiwen
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.004
To fully grasp the historical opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, countries worldwide will inevitably aim at the strategic Science and Technology (S&T) field and use several key technologies as the starting point to launch a series of policies, strategies, plans, and specific measures to promote S&T progress and change, to occupy the first mover advantage in the fourth industrial revolution. The article uses important news texts such as science and technology policy strategies and research and development (R&D) progress released by major countries in recent years as the analysis object. Further, it uses natural language processing (NLP), text mining, and scientometrics to reveal the key fields, technologies, and initiatives that countries are concerned about in the fourth industrial revolution. The study found that major countries focus on S&T fields such as biology and agriculture, materials, aerospace, digital communications, energy, marine, traditional manufacturing, while actively deploying key technologies such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, nanotechnology, genetic technology. Additionally, major countries adopt investment plans, cooperative research, policy research, and research projects to promote the development of the aforementioned S&T fields and key technologies. Starting from the text mining of news texts, the article sorts out the layout of S&T fields, key technologies, and key measures of major countries in the fourth industrial revolution. From a theoretical standpoint, it expands the application scenarios of NLP, text mining, and scientometrics in S&T policy research. From a practical standpoint, it provides information and reference for our deployment of strategic S&T fields and key technologies, and implementation of initiatives.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 29-37 [Abstract] ( 377 ) HTML (82 KB)  PDF (3178 KB)  ( 633 )
38 The Evolution Law of International Technology Trade Pattern: The Perspective of Data Analysis of Charges for the Use of Intellectual Property Hot!
Feng Zhigang, Zhang Zhiqiang, Liu Hao
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.005
From a global perspective, this study explores the evolution of the pattern of international technology trade activities over a significant period. This study selects the data of charges for the use of intellectual property of 50 major countries (regions) from 1970 to 2019 as the analysis object. Subsequently, it uses the gravity center model, science center transfer theory, and complex network analysis method to analyze the geographical gravity center transfer, center country (regions) transfer order, and network structure evolution of international technology trade from import and export perspectives. From 1970 to 2019: (1) The import and export geographical gravity centers of international technology trade were stable in the northern hemisphere, and moved eastward at the speed of 0.56 degrees (45.19 km) per year and 1.52 degrees (120.68 km) per year; the import gravity center was consistently located to the east of the export gravity center, but the distance between them was gradually narrowing. (2) The transfer order of the import center of international technology trade is Germany → Japan → the United States → the Netherlands → Ireland; the export center has not been transferred, and it has always been the United States, but its proportion continues to decline. (3) International technology trade activities are becoming increasingly extensive and deepening; the international technology trade network has obvious “small world” and “core-edge” structural characteristics; the dominant position of the United States is still obvious, with the strongest technology trade profitability; China’s network status has rapidly improved, but the export capacity of technology trade needs to be improved.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 38-49 [Abstract] ( 202 ) HTML (147 KB)  PDF (3977 KB)  ( 564 )
50 Automatic Mapping Method and Empirical Research of U.S. Commerce Control List Data and Patent Data Hot!
Lyu Lucheng, Han Tao, Chen Fang, Wang Xuezhao, Zhao Yajuan, Guo Shijie
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.006
To efficiently reveal the technology gap between China and the United States in technologies recorded in the U.S. Commerce Control List (CCL), under the circumstances of the highly unstructured characteristics of CCL data, this paper proposes an automatic method to map the CCL and patent data, which can automatically reveal the technology gap from the perspective of the patent. Based on the theory of text mining, the text standardization process of CCL text is formulated, and the automatic mapping method and effect evaluation indicator of CCL data and patent data based on TF-IDF and Word2Vec are proposed. Taking the U.S. CCL data in 2019 and the global Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patent application data in 2018 as an example, the empirical research is conducted. By evaluating the effect of the model, it is finally found that the automatic mapping result obtained when the text similarity threshold of Word2Vec model is 0.87 is optimal, and the technology gap analysis is carried out based on this model. The method proposed in this paper can automatically map CCL and patent data and carry out an intelligence analysis, and the analysis results are highly interpretable. It is a useful tool to improve the timeliness of intelligence analysis, and has high practical value.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 50-61 [Abstract] ( 224 ) HTML (1 KB)  [PDF (0 KB)  ( 614 )
62 Using Unsupervised Graphs of Neural Networks for Constructing Learning Representations of Academic Papers Hot!
Ding Heng, Ren Weiqiang, Cao Gaohui
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.007
Constructing feature representations of academic papers is a key step in providing scholarly big data services, such as academic searches, literature classification and organization, and personalized paper recommendations. The current research shows that using graphs of neural networks can help researchers learn how to effectively construct representations of academic papers, but most have focused on a supervised learning approach, which requires massive amounts of high-quality data. Based on this context, in this study uses four unsupervised graphs of neural networks for learning to construct representations of academic papers using data from the Cora, CiterSeer, and DBLP datasets; then, the representations of the papers are applied to completing two downstream tasks, i.e., literature classification and paper recommendation. The experimental results show that: (1) deep graph infomax performs best for literature classification, and an adversarially regularized graph autoencoder exhibits better performance in paper recommendation; and (2) citation networks perform better than co-citation networks and literature coupling networks on the Cora dataset.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 62-72 [Abstract] ( 433 ) HTML (215 KB)  PDF (2371 KB)  ( 965 )
73 Research on Domain Knowledge Structure Oriented to Knowledge Services Hot!
Ma Haiyun, Xue Xiang
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.008
As user groups and knowledge organization are rapidly changing in the big data environment, this study proposes a domain knowledge structure oriented to knowledge services. First, the characteristics and challenges of knowledge organization and knowledge service in the era of big data are summarized, after which the process of transforming domain big data into domain knowledge is detailed. Second, considering that the demand for information varies among different user groups even in the same field, we present divisible domain knowledge structures from the perspective of knowledge services, which not only facilitates the organization of knowledge but also satisfies personalized needs. Finally, combining this with the process of transforming domain big data into domain knowledge, we present the construction process of the knowledge structure.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 73-82 [Abstract] ( 271 ) HTML (96 KB)  PDF (1857 KB)  ( 425 )
83 Grounded Research on the Impacting Mechanism of Satisfaction with Intelligent Information Recommendation Services by Digital Libraries Hot!
Zha Xianjin, Zhang Kun, Yan Yalan
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.009
At present, the information environment of digital libraries has changed from lack of information to information overload. Thus, the corresponding service mode should accordingly be changed from “people looking for information” to “information looking for people.” The application of intelligent information recommendation services can be helpful in coping with the new challenges presented by the transformation of digital libraries. However, there is a lack of in-depth research on the impacting mechanism of satisfaction with intelligent information recommendation services by digital libraries at home and abroad. This study employs the grounded theory method to conduct coding analysis on original data obtained through interviews, eliciting 78 initial concepts, 24 basic categories. and 6 main categories. Based on these data, the relationship paths and mechanisms among categories are combed, and a theoretical model of the impacting mechanism of satisfaction with intelligent information recommendation services by digital libraries is developed. It is found that recommendation system quality, recommendation information quality, recommendation service quality, and recommendation form jointly affect satisfaction, with a moderating effect of user preference. The results of this research provide useful references for service optimization and the healthy development of digital libraries and also offer theoretical and practical implications.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 83-95 [Abstract] ( 308 ) HTML (146 KB)  PDF (1324 KB)  ( 950 )
96 The Emergence of Collective Intelligence in the Public Opinion Environment during Public Health Emergencies Hot!
An Ning, An Lu
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2022.01.010
This research proposes an approach to extract collective intelligence from public opinion during public health emergencies, and reveals the pattern and rule of the emergence of collective intelligence. Taking the topic of herd immunity as an example, we extract the triples contained in microblog posts and comments to structurally represent the public’s knowledge by using the Relation Extraction with Dependency Parsing method. In this study, we explore the pattern and rule of the emergence of collective intelligence based on the triplets of public opinion and network topology. The research results show that the method proposed in this study can extract collective intelligence from public opinion during public health emergencies. Concurrently, we found the heat of public opinion and collective intelligence does not increase in a linear and steady fashion. There are critical phenomena and leaping forward characteristics with the development of emergencies. Public opinion knowledge network is limited and has a scale-free network structure. Collective intelligence mainly concentrates in microblog posts with dynamic properties.
2022 Vol. 41 (1): 96-106 [Abstract] ( 274 ) HTML (114 KB)  PDF (2505 KB)  ( 829 )