Full Abstracts

2020 Vol. 39, No. 7
Published: 2020-07-28

675 National Security-Oriented Intelligence Support Path Hot!
Shi Jin, Zhao Xiaoke, Liu Qianli
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2020.07.001
The deepening of security intelligence research has revealed that great deficiencies still exist in how to conduct intelligence interventions and solve intelligence problems with theoretical research methods. This paper proposes the concept of an intelligence support path and examines national security intelligence in terms of the support path and its realization. To provide guidance for specific implenetation, it further deepens security intelligence research from the theoretical and conceptual levels to the operational. From both theoretical and practical perspectives, security intelligence research describes a sequence of activities and interaction between personnel throughout the the overall lifecycle of intelligence work. The intelligence support path theory is presented as a spiral model of intelligence growth along with intelligence technology support tools. The following core components of the national security intelligence support path are identified: a target-centric approach, intelligence staff, intelligence activities and products, security intelligence support theory, methods, technology, and workflows. Finally, the intelligence support path is described based on the example of the Thomason smuggling case. Future research on the intelligence support path will focus on developing a guide for practical work.
2020 Vol. 39 (7): 675-686 [Abstract] ( 391 ) HTML (91 KB)  PDF (3146 KB)  ( 786 )
687 Measurement and Comparison of Library and Information Science Research Similarities between China and Other Countries against the Background of Internationalization—Based on the Coupling Analysis of Web of Science Articles from 1999 to 2018 Hot!
Wen Fangfang
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2020.07.002
Against the background of internationalization, Chinese scholars are publishing a growing number of international papers and increasingly enhancing their communication and collaboration with researchers abroad in the domain of Library and Information Science (LIS). Will this lead to the homogeneity of research? With the articles indexed in Web of Science (WoS) from 1999 to 2018, this study employs the Country Bibliographic Coupling (CBC) and Country Keyword Coupling (CKC) methods to measure the research similarities between China and other countries/regions, and compare their indicators from multiple dimensions. Results indicate that the annual values of CBC and CKC strength display the overall obvious upward and slight downward trends, respectively. However, both the CBC and CKC indicators between China and the most productive countries have displayed significant homogeneity over the past two decades. These findings arouse some reflections and concerns about academic discourse during the process of internationalization. Subsequently, opportunities and challenges encountered by Chinese LIS scholars are discussed.
2020 Vol. 39 (7): 687-697 [Abstract] ( 165 ) HTML (82 KB)  PDF (4432 KB)  ( 810 )
698 Analyzing Implementation of the Chinese Government Open Data Policy Using Government Bulletin Text as Example Hot!
Chen Ling, Duan Yaoqing
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2020.07.003
Policy implementation lies between policy making and policy evaluation. Studying the current situation and characteristics of the implementation stage of the government open data policy is an effective way to assess policy value, identify policy orientation, and prevent policy failure. Taking the government open data bulletin as the sample, we examined the overall implementation stage of the government open data policy in China focusing on the aspects of publishing time, publishing department, and policy type. From the perspective of policy tool theory and policy science, we constructed a theoretical analysis framework of policy implementation stage based on policy tool dimension and policy theme dimension. Also, we used TF-IDF algorithm and LDA model to identify the safeguard measures and policy objectives of the policy implementation, and build an empirical framework of the policy implementation stage. On the basis of a combined assessment of the current situation and the characteristics and problems of the policy implementation stage, we present suggestions for improving the national government open data policy system.
2020 Vol. 39 (7): 698-709 [Abstract] ( 288 ) HTML (107 KB)  PDF (2745 KB)  ( 1465 )
710 Evaluation of the Academic Impact of Data Papers Fused with Altmetrics and Citation Analysis Hot!
Zhai Shanshan, Ye Dingling, Hu Pan, Xu Xin
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2020.07.004
Data papers are a unique academic resource that can meet researchers data needs of fine-grained knowledge units and promote the effective reuse of research data. However, there is currently no evaluation index or method to assess their impact. This paper firstly unscrambles the development status of data papers and the methods used for evaluation of their academic influence. Through feasibility analysis, it is found that an evaluation method integrating Altmetrics and Citation Analysis can measure the academic influence of data papers effectively. Therefore, an evaluation model is proposed which uses the characteristics of the data paper itself, the integration of Altmetrics and Citation Analysis, and the characteristics of the data publishing platform. The model takes the frequency of data subject being cited, the impact factor of the year, and the download volume as standards. Finally, the paper of the “Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository” is used as an empirical object to demonstrate the utility of the evaluation index and the feasibility of the model. The results show that the model is feasible, and the significant reasons behind differences in data papers are applicability, quality of citing literature, and characteristics of time and space.
2020 Vol. 39 (7): 710-718 [Abstract] ( 170 ) HTML (103 KB)  PDF (1233 KB)  ( 773 )
719 Analysis of Change in Research Collaboration Patterns and the Role of Scientific Researchers—Authors in Virology with a Career Period of at Least 30 Years Hot!
Zhang Lihua, Tian Dan, Qu Jiansheng
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2020.07.005
In the era of big science, research collaboration is growing more and more common. Many high quality findings are the result of cooperation. During the collaborative research process, researchers may adopt different roles and patterns of cooperation. Exploring changes in roles and research collaboration patterns among authors with long careers will help to better understand the metabolism law of researchers. This study selected 736 virologists with a career of at least 30 years as research objects and analyzed COPP indicators, COPS indicators, collaboration pattern indicators, and the researchers roles during different time windows. Correlation between the first three indicators and authors research roles was also analyzed. The results showed that the group size and breadth of cooperation expanded with the development of authors career paths. The proportion of leading authors declines, and the proportion of supporting authors increases. More than 80% of researchers roles will change, at most twice during an author s career. There was almost no correlation between group size, collaboration breadth, collaboration pattern, and researchers roles.
2020 Vol. 39 (7): 719-730 [Abstract] ( 242 ) HTML (89 KB)  PDF (3778 KB)  ( 873 )
731 Construction of an Academic Evaluation Theory from the Perspective of Complexity Theory—Exploratory Research Based on Grounded Theory Hot!
Lu Hongru, Ruan Xuanmin, Cheng Ying, Chen Ya
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2020.07.006
Evaluation in academia is an issue of wide concern in society. The policies and regulations promulgated in recent years have shown that China attaches great importance to this issue. This paper employs grounded theory to analyze research on evaluation theory and practice and summarizes 18 primary evaluational factors through open coding and eight key evaluational factors through axial coding. Finally, selective coding determines the logical relationship between key evaluational factors, guided by the basic principles and pivotal elements of complexity theory, to construct a theory of evaluation in academia. The analysis shows that based on the evaluation context, the evaluator forms clear evaluation thoughts (evaluation purpose, evaluation classification, evaluation dimension, and theoretical basis) through interaction with the evaluation object and stakeholders, and further determines evaluation conditions (evaluation criteria, evaluation system, and quality control) to restrict and standardize the implementation of evaluation. Real-time evaluation output (evaluation data) and final evaluation output (evaluation result) are generated through the overall evaluation process.
2020 Vol. 39 (7): 731-746 [Abstract] ( 257 ) HTML (283 KB)  PDF (1871 KB)  ( 815 )
747 Frontier Identification of Emerging Scientific Research Based on Multi-indicators Hot!
Bai Rujiang, Liu Bowen, Leng Fuhai
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2020.07.007
A new trend of scientific and technological revolution is surging in the world today, and identifying the frontier of emerging scientific research in the future will help the scientific layout of the areas of future competition. Based on the integration of scientific and technological planning text data, fund project data, and paper data, using natural language processing technology, text theme recognition technology, and complex network analysis technology, this study proposes a research frontier discriminating model using multi-dimensional indexes, such as topic intensity and topic novelty. Empirical research has been conducted in the field of carbon nanotube research. The results demonstrate that the model can effectively identify the hotspot research frontier, emerging research frontier, potential research frontier, and weak research frontier.
2020 Vol. 39 (7): 747-760 [Abstract] ( 357 ) HTML (132 KB)  PDF (5366 KB)  ( 969 )
761 Based on ISWC: A Review of the Situations and Trends of the Semantic Web Hot!
Xu Xin, Yang Jiaying
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2020.07.008
The “semantic web” refers to a concept related to machine-accessible data proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1998. As the semantic web completes its twentieth year, a systematic review of its history and trends is urgently required. To cover the gap in global review studies of the semantic web, this study focuses on the resources, techniques, and practices utilized in relation to the semantic web based on the articles of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), which is the most authoritative conference on the semantic web in the world. The literature study method is applied in this paper to review ISWC conference papers from 2002 to 2018. Specifically, semantic web resources such as datasets, ontologies, workflows, evaluation benchmarks, and so on are reviewed. The semantic web techniques section deals with data inquiry, data process, data storage, data access, and applications followed by three practical cases in the actual business world. The results of the review indicate that ISWC researchers build a resource world having variety and openness; however, profit-oriented enterprises are not encouraged in the process of resource construction. Moreover, techniques builders have gradually shifted their attention from semantics comprehension to linked data construction.
2020 Vol. 39 (7): 761-776 [Abstract] ( 488 ) HTML (278 KB)  PDF (1727 KB)  ( 1343 )
777 The Research Tendencies of Medical Informatics and the Transformation toward Health Informatics since 2000 Hot!
Xu Lulu, Du Jian, Ye Ying
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1000-0135.2020.07.009
This study uses the LDA thematic model at home and abroad, combined with the qualitative data of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Yearbook and quantitative data of the Web of Science and CNKI, to identify a research topic; subsequently, three clustering algorithms are employed to cluster this research, based on identification of the paper s topic model. The results show that, from 2000 to 2018, medical informatics was divided into two branches—bioinformatics and health informatics—which formed the “hard” and “soft” trends of medical informatics, respectively. The findings suggest that the health informatics side of medical informatics should receive attention, and the design of national policy should be strengthened.
2020 Vol. 39 (7): 777-794 [Abstract] ( 242 ) HTML (207 KB)  PDF (3473 KB)  ( 1315 )